As Kevin’s forthcoming article (slated to be published by Russia Insider) begins:
For most of my life I did not understand the expression “the Jewish question.” Nobody ever talked about “the Catholic question” or “the Presbyterian question” or “the Mormon question” or “the Buddhist question” or “the Muslim question.” Yet there have been extensive debates, beginning in the 19th century, of “the Jewish question.” I always assumed the people who used this expression were so prejudiced against Jews they speciously considered them a problem that needed solving. Hitler’s “final solution to the Jewish question,” I was taught, represented a culmination of such baseless, mindless prejudice and hatred.
But after learning more about history—and especially after reading and re-reading Laurent Guyénot’s new book From Yahweh to Zion—I have come to realize that there are many legitimate “Jewish questions,” not just one. Some important questions include: Is Judaism/Jewishness a religion or an ethnicity? What is the Jews’ relationship to God, and to Jesus and the prophets? What accounts for the Jews’ ability to maintain tribal cohesion over more than 2500 years? Why have Jewish communities so often been at odds with their non-Jewish neighbors? Why have Jews been over-represented—in many non-Jewish societies throughout history—in positions of wealth and power? Why does this over-representation seem to be increasing today? Why is this issue off-limits for discussion in polite company (including the mainstream media and the academy)? Is Jewish tribal cohesion an important factor in the Deep State? And what role does the creation and endless expansion of Israel play in all of this?
In 2015 Brian Ruhe was witch-hunted by Bnai Brith and fired from his job teaching Buddhist Studies at Capilano University for speaking out about Jewish power and questioning the victors’ sacred narrative of World War II. He continues to teach Buddhist Studies related topics and lead meditation retreats.
One Thought to “Brian Ruhe interviews Kevin Barrett on “The Jewish Question””
Hi Dr Kevin, I am trying to access this book but only option seems to be Amazon. I have checked through their website and they do not ship to Australia where I am based. Are there any other options?
Hi Dr Kevin, I am trying to access this book but only option seems to be Amazon. I have checked through their website and they do not ship to Australia where I am based. Are there any other options?